
Sa'ran Hotgo

torchbearer  her kind are seen as vicious savages, isolated from the world with internal struggles and war. there is more out there than this. a world filled with wonder. adventure. curiosity captivated this young xaela woman to seek it out. thus her story began...

| Balmung | CDT UTC-5 |

first spark

keep fighting.  no one said it would be easy. you will fall, sometimes hard, but you need to get back up and keep going strong.

name  sa'ran hotgo
pronunciation  [sah-raan] [haat-goh]
meaning  'moon'
aliases  'the crimson needle'
nameday  2nd sun of the 5th umbral moon
age  27
gender  female
pronouns  she/her
patron  nhaama
race  au ra, xaela
tribe  hotgo
allegiance  thavnair, othard, sharlayan
occupation  mentor, alchemist, free company lead
birthplace  the azim steppe
residence the goblet and lavender beds

second spark

everyone is born  with how they look and how they act. throughout life, lessons can mold them into an entirely new person.

a xaela born of the steppe sa'ran had her mind set to make a name for herself on her journey. a natural born fighter and surprising talented red mage, it gave rise to the nickname 'the crimson needle' in the various fighting pits and tournaments she participated in. determined, hard-headed, and true to her word she tends to never back down even when the odds are against her.sa'ran can be emotionally driven and empathetic which has helped her rise to lead a free company known as fanos fantasma. it caused new bonds to form with others and existing bonds to come even closer.

   likes     dango, warm weather, costa del sol, red mountain flowers, the color blue   dislikes     thunderstorms, spiders, fog, licorice, sour foods, being lied to

third spark

we don't judge someone  by the size of their weapon. It's how you use it.

5 fulms 4 ilms     height  
145 ponze     weight  
dark blue, light blue limbal rings     eye color  
black and white    hair color  
Warm tan     skintone  
obsidian scales, red face paint, red and black feather hairclip    noted features  

the hotgo are known to have vibrant face paints which constantly changes depending on their current mood. the meaning of the colors and designs varies from each individual. sa'ran does not constantly change her face paint based on her mood, but she tries to uphold the tradition when possible. red curved streaks on her cheeks seem to be her signature look. though she has been seen to have purple whorls around her eyes from time to time. if one were to ask her what the face paint she wears mean, she would happily share.

fourth spark

keep going at it!  each movement you make will either save your life or result in your demise.





  main class     red mage  sub class   tbd  emotional connection     sa'ran is able to gauge and interpret the feeling of others allowing her to bend certain outcomes in her favor. it could be used to befriend someone, gain information, or turn the tides in battle.  vast aetherpool     since red magic allows the wielder to use minimal amounts of their own aether, sa'ran has a large reserve to either push her spellcasting far beyond normal limits or aid in mending wounds.  sharp senses     constant training has given sa'ran the ability to read movements with such precision that she can identify small shifts in the body before her opponent strikes. it has been useful numerous times to dodge and counterattack swiftly, and saved her from a deadly blow.

fifth spark

everyone comes from  all walks of life. nothing is given. sometimes you have to search for it or fight to survive.

a raided caravan laid on its side on a narrow dirt road in the outer borders of the azim steppe. goods were ransacked, food was taken and leftovers were left to rot in the sun. shards of broken pottery and papers were scattered about. nothing of value was left. one wheel slowly turned in the wind letting out an unsettling squeak. the horses broke from their harnesses to graze in the blood stained grass. the trader that was manning the caravan was sprawled out on the dirt, cold and grey, with his throat sliced open. whoever committed this crime was nowhere to be seen. that was the downside of this place. one was vulnerable to the many xaela tribes that roamed this land, unaware of what they could be capable of. among the scattered goods that remained was a worn, tattered book that soon fell in the hands of a young xaela woman with her face painted in red.five years passed since sa'ran set foot on eorzean soil, and in those five years she experienced great endeavors from successful adventures to gaining friendships to the feeling of loss and total turmoil that tore her world asunder. a fierce fighter in her own right and a well-practiced red mage, sa’ran has begun to feel as though she’s hit a wall. much like eorzea, she too stands now at the very precipice of change. a series of unfortunate events and an uncertain future now hangs in the balance leaving sa'ran to question what will become of the free company she is apart of. or actually, what is left of it. journeys far and wide will bring along new allies in addition to the possibilities of other secrets that might dwell within the tallest mountains to the deepest oceans. sa'ran takes that first step once again to lead a new free company forward. a light to guide the others.


storytelling is the foundation of finding adventure, romance, tragedy, and wonder.

magic and blade along her travels there hasn't been many of those who practice with red magic, have heard tales of the crimson duelists. nor even knows basic fencing! large swords and axes seem to be favored among others and are far from wieldy to perform swift attacks with dexterity and grace. even though sa'ran does not follow the strict code the duelists do, she does intend to teach those that have an interest in learning the art.othardian family whether it is back in the azim steppe, eorzea, or another part of the world, sa'ran will seek out other xaela or raen to interact with. mainly to hear stories of their travels or themselves. if it leads to a partnership for trade or a budding friendship she would not say no.potion seller there is an apothecary within la noscea named 'the burning bottle'. growing up, Sa'ran was intrigued with how plants can be used to make medicine, salves, and elixirs that she helped the shaman with their tasks. even now she continues experimenting on how to elevate her medicines to something greater.fight for fun, fame, and fortune fighting is in her blood. any opportunity to show off her skills, no matter if there was a promise of gil or not, sa'ran would be seen exchanging blows with others who share the same adrenaline rush. The places she would often be found would be the grindstone and the crooked man.i would walk 500 malms sa'ran cannot keep still in the same place for very long. if anything catches her eye or she has heard of interesting news, she goes and searches for it. delving in dungeons? Scouring through temples? A new place to explore? Adventure! Danger?! Yes!


people are like plants.   you will encounter those that have thorns, are unflattering, or just plain awful. then you find those rare ones that compliment you as a person.

character name  marin indigo
relation significant other
the self renown 'master of prestidigitation' is often seen in the streets of various city-states showing off his blue mage skills with fashion and flair. but beware. this blue-haired con-artist can nick your coin with his wits and charisma.with patience and persistence, marin worked his way into sa'ran's heart and was able to make her smile again after great loss.

character name  leith emrys
relation  trusted friend
a talented healer who tends to make himself known and always had good taste. it could be in fashion, drinks, men, whatever it may be. sa'ran befriended leith during her tenure at the free company, but grew even closer after a series of unfortunate events. there are few people that sa'ran would trust her life to. leith would be those few.

character name  parisa ahm
relation  mystifying companion
parisa has been a beautiful enigma to sa'ran when the two were introduced some time ago. however curiosity always got the better of her and soon the two became friends. after some time apart, fate has brought them together again in the most eccentric settings: a fighting establishment.



thirty-two  she/her   casual rp'er.

| Balmung | CDT UTC-5 |

dni due to the nature of rp themes, you must be 18+.in game info i can be actively roleplaying regardless if my rp tag is active or not. i happily accept walk ups and tells. just notify me oocly if you are interested!erp no thank you. please do not solicit.

contact discord (dm me for it)hello and thank you for your interest! my name is ziggy and I am the storyteller behind sa'ran hotgo. i have been playing ffxiv for 7 years with over 16 years of rp experience in tabletop rpgs/mmorpgs.my availability is open after 4 pm central on weekdays and all day on weekends. i do host an fc rp event bi-weekly that can be open to the public. i hope this carrd was an interesting read for you and hope to meet you!

rp themes dark, mature, slice of life, combat, dm'd events. for dark themes, i cannot accept mutilation or death of my character. combat rp must be discussed with all parties for free-formed fights. dice roll combat will be determined based on highest attack/defense rolls and winner will be called with whoever gets three or five successful hits on their opponent first.lore-abiding citizen prefer to follow the lore outlined within the game, lore books, and/or what the devs have shared to the public. however, i am open to lore bending as long as it makes sense within the realm and what information has been shared. i do not acknowledge tomephones, fantasias, modern amenities as canon.open communication there may be themes or situations that can be triggering without warning. if this happens please don't hesitate to stop the rp and tell me so we can find a solution. a fade to black, retcon, or segway can happen. i want those who i rp with be comfortable as possible. please respect the same for me.no hate, only love i will not tolerate any bigotry, racist/sexist remarks, transphobic/homophobic comments, and/or personal attacks either on myself or those that i rp with. if it happens, you will be blocked and reported. this is your only warning.